Steeped in Malice review

This is the fourth book in the Tea by the Sea Mysteries written by Vicki Delany, one of my personal fave cozy mystery authors. I’ve followed this from the beginning and while book 1 had me wondering if I could ever warm up to Rose, Lily’s grandma even though I did like her a lot right away, by this book, I’m cheering her on and feel like we’re old friends, well as friendly as a person can get with Rose. Bernie always cracks me up, so she, Lily and Rose always make for some good sleuthing adventures.

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My Goodreads review:

Steeped in Malice (Tea by the Sea. #4)Steeped in Malice by Vicki Delany
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rose rocks! After someone was killed at her B&B, she did something kinda courageous and very cool to help the police catch the killer. I’ve always loved her character and knew she’d just take a little getting used to since she’d not a huggy-type grandma we usually see in cozy mysteries. But her cool level’s pretty much through the roof, lol. Bernie’s an awesome best friend and I think sometimes she figures she (Bernie) gets along better with Rose than Lily does as Rose’s granddaughter. I really enjoy it when those three go sleuthing! Rose just instinctively knows when the girls are up to something, so it’s never a good idea to actually plan to ditch Rose and works out much better if she goes along, as she proved.

I love how the ending was centered around food and friends while the detectives debriefed everyone and answered questions. I couldn’t stand that ex-boyfriend of Lily’s who had the nerve to think she’d still be interested in him, so it was awesome to see him deflated. And the very ending was pretty cute for Simon and Lily.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book provided by Kensington Cozies via NetGalley, and my opinions are my own.

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