Three Widows and a Corpse review

This is the third book in the Food Blogger series by Debra Sennefelder who used to be a food blogger herself. It’s quickly become a new favorite series of mine, and I was happy to return for a late summer visit to Jefferson, CT and visit with some of my favorite cozy characters. Drew always cracks me up! He’s like Hope’s pesky little brother, but he’s really a true friend, and she’s one to him as well. Hope and Claire got some sister moments in. I won’t spoil the second book if you haven’t read it, but Claire had an epiphany about her career future.

My Goodreads review:

Three Widows and a CorpseThree Widows and a Corpse by Debra Sennefelder

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stumbling onto another dead body again put Hope in the cross hairs of a killer, but she wasn’t going to let that or Det. Reid stop her from investigating. The case was a crazy one with three women claiming to be the dead guy’s wives. I liked the side story of Claire coming to a decision about a new career path and Hope attempting to help guide her. But like all sisters, they usually managed to disagree where good sense was concerned sometimes. It’s a good thing that Claire was at Hope’s house at the particular time she was though!

Another enjoyable side story was Hope’s assignment working at a magazine that was collaborating with her blog. There was a definite connection to the case though. I love that Hope and Ethan’s relationship has grown and gotten better, and even though he stayed fairly busy with the investigation in this book, he took time out to come and see her. Since this book has it heading toward Labor Day and fall, I’m really hoping to see a Christmas season book out next. I have no idea what the next book in the author’s mind is, but I’d sure love it if it was a Thanksgiving-into-Christmas and covered both seasons. I could picture Hope doing some pretty awesome Christmas trees in her old house!

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