Summer COYER Reading Challenge

A blog I follow, the (un)Conventional Bookworms, posted about the newest COYER (Clean Out Your E-Reader) Challenge, only this one for summer will be covering much more than just e-readers. It sounds like anything you read will work. Heck, why not? (Says the crazy one who has joined a boatload of challenges this year). This is where you go to sign up.

Here are some basics I’ve copied from the original site: (after these two paragraphs, check out the entire lineup of fun at Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life’s sign-up post.

The Rules

  1. You must create a sign-up post anytime between now and July 6th – on blog, goodreads, fb, google+, etc. Yes, that means you can sign up until July 6th! But don’t wait, you’ll miss most of the fun!
  2. You must link to the sign-up linky below (don’t link to your blog, link to the sign-up post).
  3. You must review books somewhere & link the reviews to the review linky to be eligible for one of the grand prize giveaways.
  4. Have Fun!

Normally you’re only allowed to read eBooks that were less than $5 for COYER, but since this is Summer Vacation you can read whatever you want! To be clear, here are some questions you may be asking…

  • Can I read a book that cost $10? Yes!
  • Are Tour books and Author Review books ok? Yes! Yes!
  • Can I read a paperback? An audio book? An eBook? Yes! Yes! Yes!

Getting the idea? There really are very few rules here. For those that just want to do your standard summer vacation, you can enter your reviews on the review linky and each entry on a linky will be worth 1 entry. So if you’ve added your link there, you’re in the first giveaway for your choice of a $10 gift card to Amazon or B&N. But if you want have to have some REAL fun… we have Treasure Hunt!

Back to my own content. This is where I’ll keep track of books along with linking them as per the instructions on the site above–I’ll be making a note of which treasure hunt item shows up on the cover and the points accumulated. They’re planning on a Treasure Hunt, four read-a-thons as well as three Twitter parties, Facebook activities and an Instagram challenge for August. I’d recommend signing up to get emails from the Because site, since it sounds like it’ll be too fun to miss!

  1. Changing of the Guard Dog–Lane Stone (linked)–Dog on cover, 1 pt.
  2. Bikinis in Paradise–Kathi Daley (linked)–Strong female protagonist, 3 pts.
  3. Spirited Away–Lena Gregory (linked)–Red item on cover, 1 pt.

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