Lending a Paw–review

This is the first book in the Bookmobile Cat series by Laurie Cass and published in 2013. I was glad to hear that a new one coming out later this year, although I won’t be surprised if I’m not caught up by then. I really enjoyed this first book and plan to continue the series. The characters are all interesting, but I hope we get a little more fleshed-out versions of them in future books. I’m sure we will, although at this point, I can’t really say I know any of them well enough yet to want to be friends. Well, except for Eddie the cat, lol. He is really the star of the book, so I guess it makes sense that he’s the one I feel closest to at this point. I love the idea of a bookmobile cat, and I sure hope that Minnie’s grouchy boss doesn’t find out!

My Goodreads review:

Lending a Paw (A Bookmobile Cat Mystery, #1)Lending a Paw by Laurie Cass

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m so glad I finally started this series that I’ve heard so much about. I’ve fallen head over heels for Eddie the bookmobile cat. He definitely has a way with people, and his intuition came in handy a few times for his human, Minnie Hamilton. Minnie is an awesome and interesting character. She lives on a houseboat and drives a bookmobile three days a week. Eddie stowed away the first time, and the people at the book stops loved him so much, Minnie couldn’t disappoint them by leaving him behind the next time.

When the murder of the library’s most generous donor rocked the community, Minnie felt she needed to bring closure to this, because even though Stan was known in the town as a miser, he was always nice and generous to the library and had purchased the bookmobile for them. There were plenty of suspects, and I had no idea who was the killer until the clues started falling into place, and Minnie had a good idea of who it was too. There wasn’t really a showdown, just an escape from an old musty barn, but Minnie lived to tell the story and was thanked for her tip she’d given the police. Even though Stan’s money that he wanted to leave to the library would be tied up indefinitely, a couple of new donors came through. I would never have thought either of these people would donate from how they were at first. It’ll be interesting to know what kind of adventure Minnie and Eddie get into next–and if her boss ever finds out about Eddie!

View all my reviews

8 thoughts on “Lending a Paw–review”

  1. Really good review! Bookmobiles are something that I don’t hear about in media too often, so it is interesting to see one featured in this series. Your review definitely makes this series sound intriguing, so I’ll have to check it out!

    Liked by 1 person

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